?”Mr.Delcarro could you please introduce yourself, your experience and your partnership with Arya Furnace Transformer “ARYA
I am Massimiliano Del Carro the CEO and owner of the Italian company C.E.M. Industrial Transformers which has signed a long-term collaboration agreement with the ARYA company. The Italian company C.E.M. Industrial Transformers, which enjoys an established and documented international experience in the design and production of industrial transformers, is ARYA’s technological partner for the Iranian market and for the export of these strategic products around the world.
My professional history in transformers began many years ago in Italy at the Tamini Trasformatori company. My tireless commitment, the true passion in my work and the confidence gained in Mr. Luciano Tamini, owner of the company, have allowed me to become and be the Director of Tamini for many years.
Industrial relations between Iran and Italy have always been excellent, thanks above all to the close cultural proximity between the two peoples. In the early 2000s, the Iranian steel market resumed representing a significant percentage of the business for Italian suppliers, especially in the production of transformers and electric arc furnaces.
Through the sale of the EAF, LF, Reactor and power transformers, I spent 20 years of my professional life in Iran, knowing many of the Iranian industrial realities and establishing excellent professional relationships with numerous local companies. With commitment, perseverance and seriousness I have always put customer’s technical and assistance needs in the foreground, providing them with the necessary and decisive answers at any time. In this extraordinary collaborative climate, I fell in love with your country and when the Tamini company was seen and decided to close relations with the Iranian market, I decided to leave Tamini and not to abandon Iran but to invest again. time, resources and ideas in and for your country.
Thanks to the direct knowledge of 95% of the furnace transformers present in Iran today, C.E.M. Industrial Transformers, in which professionals with important experience and knowledge work within, represent the real continuity of the historical industrial link between Iran and Italy, in the strategic design, construction and assistance in the industrial transformers market.
The existing partnership between C.E.M. and ARYA offers all Iranian industrial customers the concrete and unique opportunity to maintain the efficiency and service of the existing plant, through the monitoring of existing transformers and, if necessary, a timely and efficient repair intervention, one of a kind. The ability to design and supply transformers that are electrically and mechanically interchangeable with existing ones. The design of construction of new transformers, through technical support in the preparation and drafting of the technical specification.
The Italian technical team of CEM designs and processes the entire design of the transformer, assists ARYA in the purchase in Italy and in Europe of the best raw materials and accessories that make up the transformer as well as supervising the manufacture of transformers with highly experienced Italian specialists. which will be made 100% in Iran.
The collaboration between ARYA and CEM is active and present every day on the market through targeted visits from customers, theoretical or practical advice on production sites.
I could have offered a European partner the excellent knowledge of CEM in the industrial sector of furnace transformers in Iran, but once I visited the ARYA factory and learned the serious intentions of the Group’s Ownership and Management, I decided that I would not there was a better solution for the industrial growth of the country of Iran than signing an exclusive agreement with ARYA.
The concreteness that distinguishes our two companies has already brought some important results including the order today in the design phase in Italy, of the 210 MVA EAF furnace transformer in addition to its LF and reactor. Our industrial collaboration project does not stop but on the contrary, continues with great energy and for many years, it will offer all customers who wish it, the maximum support.
I thank the ARYA owner for the agreement reached and for having made available a group of excellent managers and professionals. Then I sincerely thank the trust that customers are showing towards ARYA & CEM.

عطاالله معروفخانی
مدیرعامل شرکت فولاد هرمزگان

مدیرعامل شرکت بینالمللی مهندسی سیستمها و اتوماسیون(ایریسا)

اردشیر فاضلی
مدیرعامل شرکت بازرگانی معادن و صنایع معدنی ایران (ایمیکو)

سید رسول خلیفه سلطانی
دبیر انجمن تولیدکنندگان فولاد ایران

مهندس مدنیفر
مدیرعامل شرکت اپال پارسیان سنگان

حمیدرضا طاهری زاده
عضو هیئت مدیره انجمن نوردکاران فولادی ایران